Newsletter - Winter 2024




Campaigns and Events

Dry January Veganuary Walk Your Dog Month
Love Your Liver Cervical  Cancer Prevention Month And many more!

For updates on what is happening this Winter, follow us on Facebook


Patient Access

At the practice, we are trialling a self-booking system. This is where we will text patients who are in need of any long-term condition reviews or blood tests to book an appointment via a text link. Please make sure the mobile number we have on record for you is up to date.

Did you know, you can also request prescriptions, see upcoming appointments and check symptoms via the NHS app. Visit the NHS website for more information on how to set up the app. The NHS app is the practice’s preferred app for patients to use.

Scan the QR Code for show you how to download the app.

Both these services make your life so much easier by only having to call the practice when absolutely necessary.

Patient Coordinators on average handle around 350-450 calls each day. If your enquiry is routine, you may find calling between 3pm and 6pm will mean shorter wait times. We also offer an alternative - E-Consult can be used to enquire about routine requests to save you waiting in a queue on the phone.


Cervical Cancer Prevention

Together we can work towards a day where cervical cancer is a thing of the past. 

Did you know, Sweden is likely to eliminate cervical cancer before 2030, with Australia not far behind?

In the UK, we have the tools to make cervical cancer a thing of the past. Here are some of those tools. 

  • The HPV vaccine is recommended for children aged 12-13 and those at higher risk from HPV. This vaccine can be given at secondary school, pr community clinics for those that are not in school. If you missed you HPV vaccine and are a person under 25, please check with the GP practice and see if you are eligible. 
  • Remember to attend your cervical screening when invited. Results will appear directly on your NHS app.

Prescription Changes

Alongside our PCN practice, Horfield Health Centre, we have decided to move our provision for routine prescription requests to a collaborative "hub" model. Nothing will change for now, but from April 2024 we are hoping to have one place where all routine prescriptions are processed for both practices. This will mean consistency in both practices and one place where patients will be directed with any queries they have about their prescription.

We are in the process of developing the team for this, and hope to provide further details about the service soon.

Remember, if you want to order a repeat prescription, the easiest way to do this will be on the NHS app.

Patient Coordinator

What Do We Do?

To support resilience in primary care, practices have been asked to provide safe and effective care navigation processes. 

Care navigation makes the best use of GP practice and wider primary care resources to help patients be seen by the reigh person, at the right time and in the right place. Effective care navigation increases GP capacity and improves outcomes and the overall care experience for people, families and staff. 

The traditional role of the "medical receptionist" in a doctor's surgery has seen many incarnations in recent decades and has pivoted again more recently to meet the resilience expectations that we are commissed to provide today.

The role was redesigned and re-titled with the explicit aim to help to navigate the patient to the correct healthcare professional at the correct time. 

This navigation can take many different pathways. So, please do not be offended when you are asked what the problem is when you call to book an appointment at the practice. By telling the Patient Navigators what the issue is, they can signpost you to the right clinician.


Stay Warm This Winter

Winter weather can be unpredictable, and it can stop us from getting out and about sometimes. It’s worth making sure you’re prepared if we’re told to expect severe weather, especially winter storms, ice or snow! Here are some simple steps to combat the cold weather:

  • Keep an eye on the weather forecast
  • Make sure you have everything you need in preparation for bad weather
  • Keep emergency numbers near by—call 105 in the event of a power cut
  • Take extra care on slippery ground
  • Plan ahead when driving

With the cost of living crisis currently affecting so many people, local organisations continue to provide a number of warm welcoming spaces where you can socialise, take part in activities and access support. Some of the community spaces provide signposting facilities for other services.

Please visit Find a Welcoming Space ( for more information.


Published: Jan 3, 2024