

As a result of the outbreaks of measles that have been in the news recently, there is concern that measles spreads very easily and it is an infection that causes serious problems in some people.

If you have not had the measles vaccination, you are now at risk.

The vaccination is usually given as part of the MMR (measles, mumps and rubella) vaccination in two doses (at least a month apart), which give excellent protection.

The NHS are sending out texts to those without the full course of two vaccinations. Please note, some texts have been sent to fully vaccinated patients in error, so if you (or your child) have been invited to have the vaccination but think you have already had it, please check your red book and/or the NHS app before calling us.

  • If your record shows you have had two MMR/measles vaccinations, you don’t need to take any further action.
  • If you have had two vaccinations but they are not on your record, please bring the details in to Reception so we can update your record.
  • If you have not had two MMR vaccinations, please book an appointment with us to have it as soon as possible.

If you think you may have measles

If you, or your child, has a high temperature and a rash, please stay at home and make a telephone appointment with your GP for further advice.

Measles spreads very easily, so you will be putting others at risk if you come in to the surgery, and our Receptionists will send you home again to stop the spread.

Where a face to face appointment is deemed necessary after a telephone consultation with a Doctor, you will be asked to wait in your car until the Doctor call you in, or they may come out to you.

For more information about Measles symptoms and what to do, please visit

Published: Feb 8, 2024